Friday, June 9, 2017

Building a Budget: Financial Literacy for Kids

Good afternoon, bookworms!

I woke up this morning excited that it was Friday! I started thinking that getting coffee on the way to work would be a wonderful start to my day, but I ultimately decided that I needed to skip on that adventure and save money. I couldn't help but think how the younger version of myself wouldn't have thought twice about saving money. I grew up on a farm in a southern town in Alabama - I couldn't sell lemonade in front of my house in order to save money for a new teddy bear. I simply had to cross my fingers and hope that my adorable smile would be convincing enough for my parents.

In my classes, we were taught how much each bill or coin was worth, and we were even taught how to write a check, but we were never taught the importance of financial literacy.

What if we start teaching children how to save right now?

Well, first they probably won't be calling you in a few years asking for money because they spent their last on tacos. Also, they will understand what a reward it is to be able to purchase their first car or laptop and want to take better care of it. Either way, it's a win-win for you, parents. 

So where do we start?

At the Tuscaloosa Public Library, we are two weeks in to our Summer Reading Program (find a calendar of events here) which is centered around "Building a Better World." While that could mean so many things, such as giving back to the community, but it also means getting a better understanding on how to navigate the world. We realized that one important factor was learning how to manage money. 

Sponsored by Alabama One Credit Union, four classes will be held in the Story Castle at the Tuscaloosa Public Library in order to help your kids understand the importance of money. Find out more information here.

Please join us on one of the following dates: June 12th, June 26th, July 10th, or July 24th at 10 am!

I look forward to seeing all of your bright and shining faces!

Love your Bubbly 'Brarian,

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