Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tales for Tails: Reading Enhancement for Children

Hello bookworms!

For most early readers, reading is already a challenge, and for some kids, reading to a large group of peers adds to this difficult task and feels very overwhelming. When children have difficulties reading, they often develop a lack of self-confidence and are reluctant to read aloud. With that idea in mind, many shelters are creating a program that allows kids to improve their reading skills while also bettering the lives of sheltered pets. 

By sitting down next to a dog and reading to them, the child begins to relax and is no longer worried about being judged. Students improve their reading skills, build self-esteem, and associate reading with something fun!

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That is where Libby steps in (pictured above). Libby is a former Metro Animal Shelter dog, who visits schools across Tuscaloosa County with her human, Mary Calhoun. Her favorite activities are being petted and being read to, which is great because her purpose is to provide a relaxed atmosphere that encourages students to practice reading aloud!

Beginning Fall 2017, Libby will be visiting Tuscaloosa City Schools teaching kids about the importance of taking care of pets, the adoption process, and simply listening to children read.

But here's the exciting news! You don't have to wait until the school year begins to meet Libby!

Libby will be visiting the Tuscaloosa Public Library at 9:30 a.m. and the Brown Branch at 2 p.m. on July 11, 2017. For more information on this activity or other programs happening this summer, please see the Summer reading schedule here.

So grab your favorite book, or find a good one here, and come read to Libby! 
We will also be making pet toys for animals who are living in shelters as they wait to find their new homes!

We are so excited to have Libby and can't wait to see you!

Love your Bubbly 'Brarian,

If you don't live near the Tuscaloosa Public Library, find out here if there is a Read-Aloud program near you!

Don't miss any of the other exciting events we have going on this summer! Find our calendar of events here.

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